Ready Line Cioccolato Nero Fondente / dark chocolate

Application field:

Fully prepared to get: flavored ice cream with dark chocolate, cold working and hot milk, also suitable for soft ice cream.

Way of use:

  • Basic Receipe
    1.25 kg (1 bag) dark chocolate
    2.5 liters Milk
  • Soft ice cream
    1.25 kg (1 bag) dark chocolate
    3 liters Milk
    0.5 / 1.0 Litre Water

Pour the dark chocolate into milk (preferably warm 60 °C) and stir. Let it stand for 10 minutes before freezing. It is possible to pasteurize to enhance the taste of chocolate.


  • Product complete
  • balanced
  • easy and quick to use
  • high content of cocoa and cocoa extract
  • creamy ice cream and high overrun

Art.-No. 3306115, 1,25 kg