Dinkel all-in-one

One-mix, several solutions! Today's consumer eats much more conscious than before. Spelt pastries are becoming more and more popular in the international market. Martin Braun's product developers also rediscovered this old type of grain and created a baking agent concentrate for the production of spelt pastries. 

Special: Due to the functional features of the baking agent concentrate, only one product is required for an extremely wide range of applications:

  • Yeast dough for sheet cakes
  • Sweet yeast buns, berliners, doughnuts 
  • Muffins, pound cakes etc.
  • Danish pastries and croissants
  • Everything is possible!

Dinkel all-in-one offers optimal features, both in terms of processing, taste and freshness of the finished baked goods!
Art.-No. 1446215, 15 kg